The Bridge12 Active Electric Shims (AES) are a 5 channel shim system for electromagnet with a horizontal field. These magnets are typically used in Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) spectroscopy. The five channels or the shims are: Z0 (or B0), Z1, Z2, X, and Y. Each channel can operate at a current of up to 1.5 A.
Parameter | Value |
Number of channels | 5 |
Maximum current/channel | 1.5 A |
Spacing | 53 mm |
Do not exceed a current of (+/-) 1.5 A per channel to avoid permanent damage to the shims.
Shim Interface Pinout
Pin# (sub-D) | Shim Connection | Pin# (sub-D) | Shim Connection |
1 | Z(B)0 (s) | 2 | Z(B)0 (r) |
3 | Z1 (s) | 4 | Z2 (r) |
5 | Z2 (s) | 6 | Z2 (r) |
7 | X (s) | 8 | X (r) |
9 | Y (s) | 10 | Y (r) |
15 | GND | Shield | GND |
(GND - Ground, s - supply, r - return) |
If you need help at any step of the installation please contact Bridge12 at support@bridge12.com.
Last modified September 27, 2022: Added submenu Accessories (3ec37ea)