OVJ Manuals
Below is a collection of Open VnmrJ manuals relevant to the Bridge12 SCN spectrometer. Many more manuals are available for Open VnmrJ. You can access those through the help menu in Open VnmrJ.
Manual | Description | Link |
VnmrJ 4.2 Familarization Guide G7446-90569) |
This guide provides an overview of the Open VnmrJ software and how you use it to acquire and process NMR spectra. Descriptions of the Open VnmrJ program user interface, toolbars, and menu items are included, along with general overview and description of the Open VnmrJ workflow. | Open PDF |
VnmrJ 4.2 Administration Guide G7446-90572) |
This Guide contains information on how to administer the Open VnmrJ 4.2 software, including Account administration, Printer configuration, Spectrometer calibration, and VnmrJ terminology. | Open PDF |
User Programming Reference Guide G7446-90520) |
This guide provides information about how to write pulse sequences in MAGICAL II. | Open PDF |
VnmrJ 4.2 Spectroscopy User Guide G7446-90572) |
This guide provides information on how to run experiments in Open VnmrJ. | Open PDF |
Command and Parameter Reference Guide G7446-90519b) |
VnmrJ command and programming reference guide. | Open PDF |
Last modified August 7, 2023: Updated Documentation (ff9b335)