Open VnmrJ

Online Documentation of Open VnmrJ for the Bridge12 SCN Spectrometer

Welcome to the online documentation of Open VnmrJ for the Bridge12 Single Channel NMR (SCN) spectrometer. Open VnmrJ is an open-source software package designed for the acquisition, analysis, and processing of NMR data.

Bridge12 uses Open VnmrJ to control the Bridge12 SCN spectrometer. For Overhauser-DNP enhanced NMR spectroscopy, the Bridge12 Microwave Power Source (MPS) can also be controlled through OVJ.

The documentation provided here covers basic experiments, mainly focusing on the acquisition of Overhauser-DNP enhanced 1H NMR spectra.

For an in-depth documentation of OVJ please visit the Open VnmrJ website or consult the pdf documentation installed with the software.


Brief Introduction to Open VnmrJ

System Installation

Setting up the Hard- and Software for the Bridge12 SCN Spectrometer

Getting Started

First Steps with Open VnmrJ

Advanced Experiments

Advanced Experiments in OVJ

DNP Experiments using OVJ

Performing DNP Experiments in OVJ


Open VnmrJ Command Reference

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions

Last modified August 7, 2023: pull from gith needs commit (3ee5e6c)