Hardware Control

Triggers of the SpinCore Board

The SpinCore board has four TTL lines, named Flag0 to Flag3. They have been assigned the following functions.

Name Usage
Flag0 Trigger line to the MPS if the “mps” parameter is set to “ext” It is triggered by the status pulse element when the xm parameter for that status period is ‘y’.
Flag1 This controls the receiver unblanking. It goes high after the alfa delay when the SpinCore board is triggered to start data acquisition.
Flag2 This controls the amplifier unblanking. It goes high at the beginning of the rof1 delay prior to turning on the RF. It goes low after the RF is turned off.
Flag3 The controls setting the system into tune mode for RF turning. It goes high at the beginning of the “mtune” process and goes low when “mtune” completes. There is a delay of d1 duration prior to the start of the RF tuning process where Flag3 is also high. This gives the system time to switch into tune mode.

Receiver Attenuator

The “receiver attenuator” is a USB device controlled by the /vnmr/bin/mcl_RUDAT command. The range of values is 0 to 120 (in dB) in 0.25 steps. One can set the attenuator directly from a terminal with the command /vnmr/bin/mcl_RUDAT <value>.

The attenuator is controlled from a pulse sequence with the rattn parameter.

Last modified August 7, 2023: Updated Documentation (ff9b335)