
Troubleshooting SpecMan4EPR issues

Software Installation

Re-Installing SpecMan4EPR


Debugging the LabJack Interface

Software Installation

Re-Installing SpecMan4EPR on new Hardware

In case have to re-install SpecMan4EPR on a new computer, follow these steps (assuming you saved a previous copy of SpecMan4EPR):

  1. Start by creating two folders in the main directory (C:).
    1. C:\SpecMan4EPR
    2. C:\SpecManData
  2. Copy the SpecMan4EPR application (SpecMan4EPR.exe) into the application directory (C:\SpecMan4EPR)
  3. Inside the SpecMan4EPR folder create three subfolders:
    1. cfg - to store configuration files
    2. pattern - to store pattern files
    3. tpl - to store pulse program templates
  4. Double click the SpecMan4EPR icon to start the application. Since no license is installed, SpecMan4EPR will create a LIF File. To obtain a license please send this file to support@bridge12.com and include any additional information about your spectrometer (e.g. serial number)
  5. You will receive a license file (Specman4EPR.nlic). Move this file into the SpecMan4EPR directory. This will activate your software license and you will be able to use SpecMan4EPR.


Serial Communication

Serial communication in SpecMan4EPR is most conveniently debugged in the built-in script editor.

LabJack DAQ Interface

To debug communication with the LabJack interface and to enable the verbose mode for the LabJack interface follow these steps:

  1. In SpecMan4EPR to the the Script tab
  2. Select the LABJACK interface from the dropdown menu
  3. Select S00
  4. From the command dropdown menu select .echo
  5. Enter 1 in the empty text box
  6. Hit ENTER.

Once the verbose mode is enabled, open the Log Window by clicking the View log window in the toolbar to the right. For clarity, you can clear the log by right clicking with the mouse into the window and click Clean Log. This will clear all old messages.

Last modified April 5, 2024: Cleanup SM name (7e41f8d)