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X-Band IF Backpanel Connections

Backpanel connections of the X-Band IF system.

Below, please find a list and description of the backpanel connectors of the X-Band IF system. Please refer to the figure below for the location of connections.


Whether a connector is used for an input or output signal is labeled in the table below. Please make sure the user makes the correct connections. Wrong connections can lead to permanent damages of the system.

RF Connections

Please refer to the table below for a description of the back panel connectors of the X-Band IF system. The function (I/O - input/output) of the connector is indicated in the second column.


Make sure all connections to the back panel connectors are properly tighten. SMA connections should be tightened using a torque wrench (recommended torque 10 Nm).

Side Panel

Connector I/O Type Description
SIG I SMA Input signal for the receiver.
LO2 O SMA LO2 output of the microwave synthesizer (channel B)

Back Panel

Receiver (RCVR)

Connector I/O Type Description
RCVR I O SMA I channel of the quadrature receiver channel. This is typically referred to as the real signal of the detected EPR signal.
RCVR Q O SMA Q channel of the quadrature receiver channel. This is typically referred to as the imaginary signal of the detected EPR signal.
RCVR IF I SMA IF input of the RCVR. For X-Band operation, this should be connected to the LO1 output of the microwave synthesizer (channel A). Suggested Cable

Pulse Forming Unit (PFU) and AWG Input

Connector I/O Type Description
PFU TX O SMA Output of the PFU. This signal is typically routed to the high-power amplifier or the active multiplier chain (AMC) in high-field/high-frequency EPR spectrometers.
PFU BLNK I SMA Blanking gate of the PFU. TTL logic. Active high. This signal has to be connected to the pulse programmer.
AWG I I SMA I channel input of the PFU. This signal needs to be connected to the output channel of the AWG.
AWG Q I SMA Q Channel input of the PFU. This signal needs to be connected to the output channel of the AWG.
AWG AUX I SMA Auxillary input of the IQ mixer LO channel.

Synthesizer and Monitors

Connector I/O Type Description
AUX IN I SMA Auxillary microwave signal input. This signal is combined with the microwave signal generated by the IQ mixer of the PFU and allows the user to inject an additional, user-created microwave signal.
AUX OUT O SMA LO signal of the LO input for the IQ mixer of the PFU. This signal is similar to LO1.
LO1 O SMA LO1 signal of the X-Band IF system (channel A of the synthesizer).
LO2 O SMA LO2 signal of the X-Band IF system (channel B of the synthesizer).
RCVR O SMA Receiver input monitor.
PFU O SMA PFU output monitor.

Reference Clock and External IO

Connector I/O Type Description
10 MHZ O SMA Oven-controlled 10 MHz reference clock signal. Output power level 10 dBm.
VCA O SMA 0 - 5 V DC signal. The output level of this signal can be controlled through the software. This signal is typically used for the Voltage Controlled Attenuator (VCA) of a high-frequency AMC.
EXT O D-Sub 9 pin d-sub connector. Pin Out
IO O D-Sub 9 pin d-sub connector. Pin Out

Other Connections

Side Panel

Connector I/O Type Description
12 V O LEMO 12 V output. This supply voltage can be used to power up external equipment. Do not exceed 200 mA. Mating Connector

Other Connectors

Connector I/O Type Description
EXT PWR O M12 Power supply e.g. for a frequency extension. Available voltages: -12 V, -5 V, 5 V, 12 V, 15 V
PWR I Amphenol Power inlet for the X-Band IF system. Please only use the power supply supplied with the system to avoid permanent damages.
PLS I/O USB USB connection from the X-Band IF to the pulse programmer. This USB port is connected to the internal USB hub of the X-Band IF system.
PC I/O USB USB connection to remote PC.
GND n/a STUD A ground (GND) post is located in the lower left corner of the back panel.


Only use the power adapter that came with the X-Band IF system to power up the instrument.

Failure to use the correct power adapter can lead to permanent damage of the system.

If you are unsure about the power adapter, please contact Bridge12 at